How the club works:
See the Club’s constitution for a full description of how the Club operates.
The Club is run by a committee that meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Hempton Bell pub, which makes decisions about the general running of the club and its finances.
Bailiffs are appointed to keep an eye on Club waters and their use and management, and are also members of the committee with the same voting rights as other committee members.
Members can put forward matters to be discussed at committee meetings through one of the bailiffs or committee members.
An Annual General Meeting is held in February each year at the Hempton Bell. Annual accounts are presented, officers, committee members and bailiffs are elected and any necessary decisions taken that relate to changes to the Club’s constitution or other matters specified in the constitution that are beyond the committee’s remit. Members are able to put forward proposals in writing in advance of the AGM.
Additional or replacement committee members and bailiffs can be co-opted by the committee.
Three trustees are elected by the AGM to serve a three year term. The trustees are registered as owners of Wilsmore Lake on behalf of the Club (this is the only water actually owned by the Club). They also have a duty to ensure that the Club is run properly and in the interests of its members.
Current committee/bailiffs:
Neil Jary (Acting Chair)
Marcus English (Vice Chair)
George Twite (Secretary)
Tim Venes (Treasurer)
Stephen English (Match Secretary)
Peter Williamson (Assistant Match Secretary)
Lee Roberts
Logan Roberts
Keith Barker
D Rowe
M Higginbotham
Current Bailiffs Only:
L Jarvis
M Walder
S Harper
Current trustees are:
George Twite
Tim Venes
Peter Williamson